Right of revocation
If you are consumer according to Austrian Civil Code (BGB), you can revoke your declaration of contract within two weeks without giving reasons in text form (eg letter, e‑mail) or – if the item was handed over to you before the deadline. The period begins upon receipt of this instruction in text form’ but not before receipt of the goods by the recipient (in case of recurring delivery of similar goods not before receipt of the first partial delivery) and also not before fulfillment of our information requirements. The punctual sending of the revocation or of the thing is sufficient to ensure the revocation period.
The revocation must be sent to:
HCD-Hiller – Rainald Hiller
Untere Hauptstrasse 28/2
A‑7100 Neusiedl am See
Email: office@hcd-hiller.at
Revocation Sequence
ln the case of an effective revocation, the services received at both ends must be returned and any benefits (eg interest) drawn. lf you are unable to return the received performance in whole or in part or in a deteriorated condition, you may have to provide us with a decree. This does not apply to the transfer of goods if the deterioration of the goods is exclusively due to iheir examination – as it would have been possible for you in the store business, for example. ln addition, you can avoid the obligation to make a change due to the in-use name of the item by not using the item like your property and omit anything that affects the value. Transportable items are to be returned at our risk. The return shipment is free for you. Obligations to reimburse payments must be fulfilled within 30 days. The period begins for you with the sending of your declaration of revocation or the thing, for us with their receipt.