What does Lead Crystal mean?

Lead Crystal is a mix of quartzsand, potash and leadpigment and it is the synonym for sophistcated juwelry, decoration and glassware.

Lead Crys­tal – in con­trast to sil­i­cate comod­i­ty glass, such as win­dows, bot­tles or drink­ing glass­es – is a mix of quartzsand, potash and lead­pig­ment (Pb3O4), and it is the syn­onym for sophist­cat­ed juwel­ry, dec­o­ra­tion and glass­ware like rhine­stones, chan­deleers, drink­ing glass­es, carafs.

Clas­si­cal­ly „maun­fac­tured“ pieces are blown by man, they are cut by hand with stone discs and polisched in hydro­flu­o­ric acid. This is the pro­ce­dure of mas­ter­ly quality.

Due to the ero­sion of crafts­man­ship minor qual­i­ty pieces is made by all stamped glass from fac­to­ries even with­out any cut­ting – a sad reality!

Where does Lead Crystal come from?

The “home” of Lead Crystal is the area of Bohemian Forests and the Erzgebirge.

The “home” of Lead Crys­tal is Cen­tral Europe, the area of Bohemi­an Forests (Czechia, Bavaria) and the Erzge­birge (Czechia, Poland). There the renown tra­di­tion­al man­u­fac­tur­ers were locat­ed. In the course of the changes in for­mer East­ern Block Coun­tries some of those dis­a­peared. Today a group of small expert com­pa­nies (for blow­ing, cut­ting and pol­ish­ing) are car­ry­ing on the tra­di­tion an the art of Lead Crys­tal Glass!

The history of bohemian hand-cut lead crystal

Starting in the Middle Ages glass had been made in Bohemia. The invention of lead crystal cultivated this trade and more than 150 years ago the Bohemian School of Glass Processing was among the leaders in the world.

Since the times of the Aus­tri­an-Hun­gar­i­an Empire Bohemi­an Crys­tals have been dec­o­rat­ing the courts and hous­es of the aris­toc­ra­cy and the elite. Untouched by any fash­ion trends hand-cut lead crys­tals have remained pre­cious pieces. Their pre­cise edges, the sil­ver shine of the cuts as well as the fine orna­ments – such pieces require the human hand and can­not be made by machine. The qual­i­ty of these crys­tal pieces is deter­mined by sev­er­al fac­tors: the crude glass with a lead con­tent of 24%, the high­ly skilled mas­ters with a keen eye, steady, expe­ri­enced hands, a sense for the art­ful orna­ments and a deep under­stand­ing that each piece is spe­cial. The cor­rect selec­tion of hand blown pieces and the prop­er use of the ade­quate tra­di­tion­al tools (stonediscs) also play an impor­tant role.