
The sin­gle arm can­dle­sticks made of hand­cut lead crys­tal are of tra­di­tion­al shapes and sizes. They have been an ele­ment in Euro­pean ele­gant liv­ing since the mid­dle of the 19th century.

The Paris Cut of lead crystal

They are cut by hand in our favourite Paris Cut. Mas­ter­ly cut with stonediscs by our mas­ters. The Paris Cut has become a sym­bol of this blos­som­ing epoque in music, paint­ing and lit­er­a­ture, of research, devel­op­ment, engi­neer­ing and progress, an extra­or­di­nar­i­ly boom­ing era in Euro­pean his­to­ry by mid of the 19th cen­tu­ry. The grow­ing and wealthy mid­dle class gained more influ­ence on pol­i­tics, econ­my and lifestyle. And so Bohemi­an Lead Crys­tal became most pop­u­lar and wide­ly spread.

Various shapes and sizes

Next to our sin­gle arm can­dle­sticks with Paris Cut there are some plain can­dlestics with­out any cut. They attract by their sim­plic­i­ty and their shapes. All mod­els have var­i­ous options regard­ing the high­ts between 12cm and 25,5cm.

Highest level

Espe­cial­ly for the plain mod­els the very best glass blow­ers and moulds need to be involved for our blanks. Still strict­ly no stamps, no auto­mat­ic machines – only human beings with their tal­ents and their stone discs. The raw mate­r­i­al is lead crys­tal with 24% PbO – this is our credo.