Plates, Dishes, Bowls

This is the group of crys­tal which is most demand­ing in terms of skills, it asks for most refined crafts­man­ship and it gives most pre­cious pieces of art in return. Hand­cut lead crys­tal at best. Each item is man­u­fac­tured by one mas­ter from the begin­ning to the end. This has been the rea­son for the suc­cess of hand­cut lead crys­tal through­out 150 years.

The Paris Cut of lead crystal

Of course our favourite style of cut­ting lead crys­tal, the Paris Cut, is applied mas­ter­ly by hand with stonediscs by our ladies and gen­tle­men experts. The char­ac­ter­is­tics are a strict order of a few com­pli­cat­ed geo­met­ric pat­terns. This style has become the sym­bol of a blos­som­ing epoque in music, paint­ing and lit­er­a­ture, of research, engi­neer­ing and progress, an extra­or­di­nar­i­ly boom­ing phase in Euro­pean his­to­ry by mid of the 19th cen­tu­ry. The grow­ing and wealthy mid­dle class gained more influ­ence on pol­i­tics, econ­my and lifestyle. And this lifestyle can be seen from the pre­ci­sion, the frag­ile details and the pomp of the crys­tal dish­es and crys­tal plates.

Various shapes and sizes

This sec­tion has more than 45 arti­cles. Among them just a few land­marks like the oval crys­tal fish­plates up to 55cm length, sin­gle leg crys­tal plates or dish­es for fruits and pas­try, rec­tan­gu­lar crys­tal plates 45cm long, trip­ple leg crys­tal dish­es, the set for punch with cups and spoon. Round crys­tal plates with var­i­u­os diam­e­ters ….. and, and, and … please have a look at crys­tal art for use as well as decoration.

Highest level

Our aim is to man­u­fac­ture most com­pli­cat­ed tra­di­tion­al pat­terns on high­est lev­el. There­fore only the best glass blow­ers and moulds meet the demands for our blanks. Strict­ly no stamps, no auto­mat­ic machines, only human beings with their tal­ents and their stone discs. The raw mate­r­i­al is lead crys­tal with 24% PbO – this is our credo.