Golden Decor

The pieces are based on some suit­able lead crys­tal mod­els extra dec­o­rat­ed with gold­en decor as well as fan­ta­sy blos­soms. A com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent style from our tra­di­tion­al crys­tal glass­es. By gold­en plat­ing and the blos­soms a kind of ori­en­tal, asian touch was found.

The Paris Cut of lead crystal

The base of course are mod­els with the Paris Cut hand­made with stonediscs. It‘s strict geom­e­try is com­bined with roman­tic fan­ta­sy blos­soms with a gold­en back­ground. So it is a com­bi­na­tion of 19th cen­tu­ry his­to­ry with 21st cen­tu­ry presence.

Various shapes, models and styles

The crys­tal dish­es with lids (160mm and 210mm diam­e­ter), the crys­tal bas­ket (200mm diam­e­ter) or the dif­fer­ent crys­tal can­dle­sticks (var­i­ous high­ts) are impres­sive items of their kind. The crys­tal dish with 300mm diam­e­ter) as well as the crys­tal plate with 310mm diam­e­ter def­i­nite­ly are most pompous presents with an ori­en­tal touch. Mod­i­fied crys­tal style for use and decoration.

Highest level

It is a fact that for the man­u­fac­tur­ing of crys­tal prod­ucts best glass blow­ers and best moulds are manda­to­ry. For Gold Decor even more crafts­men with new skills for gold plat­ing and appli­ca­tion of blos­soms are required. And the prin­ci­ple is still the same: strict­ly no stamps, no auto­mat­ic machines, only human beings with their tal­ents and their stone discs. The raw mate­r­i­al is lead crys­tal with 24% PbO – this is our credo.